Friday 2 September 2011

The Inbetweeners Movie

Even if The Inbetweeners Movie had been released after the end of the second season of the TV Series (i.e. when its quality and popularity were at its height) you would have still had reservations. That being for the reason that virtually all films based on British comedy TV series turn out to be mediocre. This has been more than true over the last 20 years, though most of those films came from TV series that weren’t all that killer in the first place. So the one advantage The Inbetweeners Movie does have is that it comes from decent stock. However, fans will understand the caveat of mentioning the end of Series 2, as the film has been released after the end of Series 3, a series that had a considerable drop in ideas and laughs. You’ll be unsurprised to hear then that the film continues the downward slide. For a start, the four lads going abroad for the first time on a holiday is as unoriginal as it comes. Then we have all the usual standards (dodgy hotel, dodgy foreigners, dodgy Brits abroad etc) as the boys attempt to finally get lucky with the girls they meet. To be fair there are a number of funny moments, including a cringingly chuckle some dance scene, but this also highlights one of the problems with the film. A lot of the gags in the TV series were based on social embarrassment, but this is more like humiliation and lots of it falls very flat indeed, including the verbal abuse of one (supposed) over weight girl, which more than anything is just unpleasant. Whereas the TV series was crude in mouth, this is crude in deed, and it is much the worse off for it. In terms of the characters it’s pretty much as you were, with the writers keeping all their usual traits intact. However, it all feels a bit after the Lord Mayors show now and anyone watching this without having seen the series will wonder what all the fuss has been about. At the end of the day, at least this isn’t an entry into the British TV comedy series film Hall of Shame, but its only average at best and only the most blinkered of fans would think this is anything more.

The OC Film Sting Final Verdict

Set your expectations low and you’ll have a few laughs. Not a great send off for a great series though. Rating: 5/10.

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