Monday 19 September 2011

Final Destination 5

Excuse the pun, but the last Final Destination film seemed to sound the death knell for the series. With nothing original to say, it was bland, predictable and let’s be honest, only made as the producers got over-excited thinking how gruesome deaths would look in 3D. However the series hasn’t croaked it as now we have Final Destination 5, though this one does hint that there won’t be any more to follow. You’ll greet that prediction with a cheer or a groan depending on how you feel about these films, but in terms of quality we finish on a high note as this is a highly enjoyable romp which ends with a quite stupendous twist. Firstly, this is also in 3D, and though it only works effectively on occasions throughout the running time, it is excellently utilised during the opening titles sequence which is one of the most impressive uses of the technology since the re-birth of 3D in the last few years. Even before that though you’ll be briefly taken aback in your seat as the title of the film is hung on the screen in white letters on a black background in an unsettling manner reminiscent of a 1970’s Giallo film. We’re then onto the opening accident (this time a bridge collapse) which is the most impressive bit of carnage in terms of look and direction since the car pileup in the second film and then, well, you know the rest. As with the last few films, the acting is pretty awful, but P.J.Byrne, as a lecherous employee provides a few laughs and watch out for Miles Fisher. He’s just as rotten as everyone else but his resemblance (including mannerisms and voice) to a Tom Cruise / Christian Bale love child is one of the most uncanny things you’ll see in the cinema this year. The good thing is the death scenes are still fairly tense (Three words: Laser Eye Surgery) and the story introduces a new piece of death methodology which, whilst being utterly implausible at this stage of the series, still adds something new to the standard storyline of death by numbers. The film ends with a flash back to plenty of the deaths from the previous films, again utilising the 3D to good affect with a nice touch of animation added as well. Played out over AC / DC’s pumping If You Want Blood, You’ve Got IT, it achieves the oddest reaction you’ll ever get to watching person after person getting slaughtered: Nostalgia!

The OC Film Sting Final Verdict
Slightly undone by the terrible acting, but decent use of 3D, some great scenes and a clever twist means the series finishes with a flourish. (actually, who am I kidding?…there’s bound to be another one….). Rating: 7/10.

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