Tuesday 18 May 2010

Remember Me

Here comes the pout show ladies and gentlemen…it’s the new Robert Pattison film! However, despite the dodgy poster (yep, RP looking broody), he gets to do some “acting” in this film, and he’s not half bad. In the film Pattison plays Tyler Hawkins, a New York student with a rebellious streak, who after a run in with the police, is egged on to date the arresting officer’s daughter (Emilie de Ravin) in an act of revenge. The fact she’s studying at the same university as Hawkins is a handy coincidence. Plus, can you guess what happens next? However, put all cynicism aside for the moment and go with this one. Director Allen Coulter’s film centres on the themes of love and loss and he tells it in a convincing manner, which considering his vast experience of prime-time US TV drama, isn’t much of a surprise. Though the film does centre on Hawkins relationship with Ravin, it also branches out into their own relationships with their own respective families. The characters are all fairly caricatured, but, crucially, they are all believable and well acted across the board. Even Hawkins’ stereotypical annoying film flatmate doesn’t grate. In addition, Coulter splashes a few chuckles across the film and a long running gag regarding a dead bolt gets the punch line it deserves. Make no mistake though, this is a drama (though occasional scenes do touch melodrama) and though the screenplay does rely on a number of coincidences and chance encounters, even this can’t prepare you for the shock twist towards the end where Coulter finally reveals his cards and just about pulls it off. So, if you fancy seeing a decent Robert Pattison film, which won’t include a cinema full of shrieking teenage girls, check this out. Oh yeah, he still pouts a lot though.

The OC Film Sting Final Verdict
Contrived no doubt, but this is well acted with an unexpected dénouement and is a pleasant surprise, overall. Rating: 8/10.

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