Sunday 9 May 2010

The Bounty Hunter

I try and give all films a fair chance, leaving all pre-formed opinions at the door. However, for a film like this, which has an awful concept, an awful trailer and an awful poster it can be quite tricky. Therefore, I watched this film whilst also keeping an ear out for other peoples reactions. I didn’t laugh once. I heard three other people (out of about thirty) laugh during the whole running time. That fact there pretty much does the review for me. However, to earn my keep (not that I get paid for writing this rubbish, of course!), the film is about a reporter (Jennifer Aniston) who skips a court date in order to following up a juicy lead. A bail is then put on her head and a bounty hunter (Gerard Butler) is sent after her to bring her in. But wait….the bounty hunter is her ex-husband! (you can just see the “pitch” now, can’t you?). Suffice to say, scrapes are gotten into, snidey comments are exchanged and the audience wonders how they can ask for a refund. This has always been Aniston’s shtick, but Butler seems to like this kinda thing as well. His CV is filling up with turkeys quicker than you can say “Gamer”. Add this to the rom-com pile of shame.

The OC Film Sting Final Verdict
The most low concept “High concept” (for a rom-com) film you’ll see for quite some time. Rating: 2/10.

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