Thursday 29 July 2010

Rec 2

In 2007 Rec sneaked quietly into the cinemas. About a week later it left just as quietly, eventually to be discovered on DVD, before the inevitable American remake (Quarantine). However, if you were one of the few lucky people like myself to see Rec in the cinema then you experienced a film that was quick, smart, at times bloody, and at other times, bloody terrifying. Writer / Directors Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza, begin REC 2 15 minutes following the conclusion of the first film. This time we have an official from the Ministry of Health and a Spanish SWAT team entering the apartment block to discover what is going on in there. The film is shot using the same hand-held camera perspective of the original. However, though this still works, Balagueró and Plaza drop the ball by cutting down on the tension in favour of a screenplay that is explanation heavy. It’s understandable that a sequel has to expand on the original, but in telling the back story we miss out on the claustrophobia that was the mainstay of the original experience. Frankly, it isn’t really all that scary. Or even all that gory (the famous neck bite from the original being a distant memory now) However, the film is saved by the fact that the screenplay is pretty smart, with a neat twist at the end. In addition, it will probably make you want to watch the first film over again (which is no bad thing). Though it may feel a bit diluted now, beware that there are even more explanations to come what with Balagueró and Plaza planning both a prequel and a further sequel.

The OC Film Sting Final Verdict

This misses the sweaty palmed rawness of the first film, but it’s disturbing storyline and smart finish mean further instalments will be anticipated, if not eagerly. Rating: 6/10

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