Monday 12 July 2010

It's A Wonderful Afterlife

Gurinder Chadha’s latest film is one of the more bizarre efforts you’ll see this year. The plot, as such, sees an Indian mother (Shabana Azmi) turn into a serial killer of the people who have rejected her daughter’s hand in marriage. Oh, did I mention that this is a comedy? If you don’t find that premise particularly rib-tickling then you’re not going to get much out of this. There are a few groan worthy puns involving Indian food, but most jokes miss their mark and comments about the daughter's (Goldy Notay) weight are meant to raise laughs but just come across as cruel jibes. The standard message of the movie (it doesn’t matter what you look like, but who you are) almost becomes lost amongst the below par acting and dodgy effects. Ah yes, I haven’t mentioned the ghosts yet have I? The spirits of the people that Azmi has murdered follow her around and will only be released once she has committed suicide. The fact that one of the ghosts walks around with its guts and intestines falling out is, again, meant to be funny, but will turn stomach's more than tickle them. One bright spark in the film, although still an acquired taste for some, is the turn by Sally Hawkins as Linda. She also is the main point of the films silliest moment, a food fixated homage to Carrie which Chadha just about pulls off. Overall the whole schebang feels a bit cheap both in terms of premise and presentation. This is set in Ealing and is meant to have elements of “Ealing comedy”. However, I’d suggest Alec Guinness et all would be turning in their graves at this suggestion.

The OC Film Sting Final Verdict
It’s silliness doesn’t help, but the whole thing feels too amateur and too may jokes fall flat. Rating: 4/10

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