Wednesday 3 February 2010

44 Inch Chest

44 Inch Chest has been intriguingly marketed as “From the writers of Sexy Beast”. Now without being a great film, Sexy Beast was enjoyable enough, made memorable due to Ben Kingsley’s volcanic performance. It seems Kingsley’s character’s foul mouthed ranting has to gone to the writers’ heads though, as 44 Inch Chest contains the international A-Z of swear words. If you were playing a drinking game and taking a sip of beer every time you heard a character say the F-word or C-Word you would be paralytic after 10 minutes. I won’t spoil the storyline, but 44 Inch Chest pretty much consists of a number of men in a room swearing, as they decide on what course of action to take to revenge a perceived wrong. Not much else happens. Ironically, the performances of all concerned are top draw (Ian McShane being the stand out), but the film grinds to a halt whenever Ray Winston’s character begins to reflect and ruminate on the situation he finds himself in. Nothing against Winston, but his characters torment doesn’t garner any sympathy with the audience. This really is a strange film. It basically is a play, Pinter in style, shot for the cinema. Oh yeah, did I mention they swear a lot?

The OC Film Sting Final Verdict
Despite the saying, swearing can be big and can be clever (see In The Loop, for example). However, if that’s all your films got it will grate very quickly indeed. Rating: 3/10.

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