Monday 24 December 2012

Ice Age: Continental Drift / Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted

Double review time again as here we have a couple of films (Ice Age: Continental Drift and Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted) that have plenty in common both historically and artistically. Well, I say review, but there isn’t really much point for films such as this as the template has been set in the previous films and, despite marketing that suggests otherwise, for both films it’s mainly just a case of wash, rinse and repeat. A brief summing up though can be made by looking at those sub-titles. For Ice Age Manny et al get stuck on an iceberg and find themselves getting caught up in the usual shenanigans. For Madagascar, Alex et al are on the run in Europe where they, well, find themselves getting caught up in the usual shenanigans. Both of these animated franchises have been big hitters at the box office over the last decade so it’s hardly surprising to find more sequels being released. For some these films will be old hat, but for others (though mainly fans I guess) that won’t be a problem, especially parents who want their kids to watch something colourful, quick, silly and fun. There is a serious case of déjà vu when watching these latest productions, but I can’t deny each film doesn’t have some moments of genius and Madagascar’s introduction of a new character in the form of the Captain of Animal Control in Monaco (voiced by an unrecognisable Frances McDormand) provides consistent laughs. On that front, I’d say that Madagascar has the sharper script both in terms of humour and pathos, but Ice Age triumphs in terms of its main characters having more personality (aided by having more substantial audience recognition already built in. For example, how many Madagascar characters (not actors) could you actually name?). Overall, it’s as you were for both franchises with nothing really new here to report, though a glut of minor side characters in each film will have the sharp eared on alert trying to recognise what B-actor is providing the vocals. Talking of recycling if any more sequels to these films come out, to make matters easier and to save time, just refer back to this review and change words as appropriate. Finally I avoided watching both of these in 3D, but from what I’ve read elsewhere it didn’t add anything. What. A. Shock.

The OC Film Sting Final Verdict
Money for old rope. But if people keep buying said rope......Rating: 6/10 (both films)

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