Monday 29 October 2012

Your Sister's Sister

Your Sister’s Sister is one of those films that doesn’t scream out for an audience to come running to watch it, but if you’re suffering from the blockbuster blues this should provide a mild antidote, though it’s unlikely you’d ever watch it again, let alone encourage anyone else to have a gander. This has been bracketing by some people into the mumble core genre, but I think that’s slightly unfair in this instance. Though the set up does suggest some serious navel gazing, as Iris (Emily Blunt) suggests to her friend Jack (Mark Duplass) that he should take some time off at her family’s island getaway in order to help get over the death of his brother. However, on his arrival he discovers that Iris’s cagey sister Hannah (Rosemarie DeWitt) is already staying there. A few drunken antics later lead to something more serious when Iris arrives out of the blue. What follows next is one of the odder films you’ll see regarding the old love triangle scenario and your enjoyment will probably rest on your tolerance for young good looking people hanging around and whining about their (self-inflicted) problems. Written and directed by Lynn Shelton, this was shot in under two weeks and large parts of it were improvised. Though the acting from Blunt and DeWitt (filling in after Rachel Weisz dropped out due to scheduling conflicts) is fine, you can’t help feel that Shelton has done little to push their performances further. This is also shown with Duplass (who Shelton also directed in her previous film Humpday). Each to their own of course, but Jack’s character needs an injection of personality, as to suggest that Blunt and DeWitt would be interested in the personality free hangdog expressive Duplass is pushing it a bit. Shelton’s minimal direction doesn’t do much to suggest this is no more than a stage play being given the big screen treatment, but there are enough twists in the plot to keep you intrigued until the end, though some will find the ambiguous ending highly frustrating.

The OC Film Sting Final Verdict
As they say, if you like this kind of thing…….Rating: 6/10.

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