Sunday 10 October 2010


If you’re a horror fan then you’re probably a fan of Alexandra Aja already. He’s not to everyone’s tastes but arguably his films have the combination that makes successful horror films tick, that of the balance between tension and gore. It’s interesting then that for Piranha Aja puts all tension to one side, employing only a few cheap jump scares and concentrating mainly on the splatter. Throw in some dodgy acting and plenty of T & A (or in this case plenty of T & A) and you have the makings of a classic B-Picture. Or do you? What makes a B-Picture is if the film-makers are knowingly in on the gag as they make the movie. I’m not sure Aja thought about it either way, but this does lack the knowing in-joke humour that makes something like Lake Placid a cult favourite (or indeed the quaint naffness of the original Piranha). Having said that Piranha is still entertaining if you’re a fan of outrageous gore as Aja delivers it in bucket loads. The set up is simple: Spring Break, Piranha’s attack. That’s all you need to know. Elisabeth Shue takes the lead role as the sheriff trying to convince everyone that carnage is imminent and does a decent job, but she appears to be playing it straight whilst others ham it up, particularly Christopher Lloyd in a cameo as a marine biologist. But, it’s the grue that people will come for and you won’t be disappointed on that front. Best not to eat anything beforehand unless you’re comfortable with people being eaten alive, severed limbs, crushed bodies and, literally, rivers of blood. Two deaths in particular are memorable. One involves Eli Roth (haters of the man will be loving that one) and another is the unfortunate after effect of a girl getting her hair caught in a speedboat motor. Definitely one for the rewind button on future DVD showings that one. Once the mayhem subsides and you’re left with an un-thrilling final scene of peril (and a set up for a sequel) you will have made your own mind up about whether this is good, bad or so bad it’s good. Whatever you think, (the annoying Jaws homage aside) you can’t deny it entertains the target audience.

The OC Film Sting Final Verdict
Gore-blimey! Fans of the claret will be royally entertained, though there isn’t much else cinematically that even nibbles the quality bone. Rating: 6/10.

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