Monday 27 September 2010

The Expendables

Whatever you may think of this film or Sylvester Stallone in general, you have to give Sly credit for getting together the throw back cast that he has for this. It's a good thing too, as if it wasn't for the intriguing cast this would probably have died a quick death. As it is though, its hit box office gold on both sides of the Atlantic as audiences have flocked to see Stallone, Lundren, Willis and Arnie flex their aching limbs one last time. However, the advertising has been a bit mis-leading as Willis and Schwarzenegger only appear in a cameo scene, albeit one that does finish with the film's funniest line. Therefore, the relatively whipper snapping Li and Statham step in to help with the carnage. In terms of acting it’s all pretty wooden, but Mickey Rourke has a surprising touching scene which appears to have been accidentally cut in from The Wrestler. As for the plot, it’s a rehash of an old favourite, but Stallone is only interested in one thing here guns, explosions and fighting, delivering it in spades. Though not on a scale of the gore-fest that was the last Rambo film, Stallone still lets it all go, especially during the ear-bleeding crazily edited last 30 minutes. This film will have a specific target audience and regardless of its quality that audience has coughed up the dough to see it. Therefore, if you want a quick nostalgia fix then this should do just about enough to entertain, but the over-riding emotion is one of a tired old formula that has had its time and I doubt the mooted follow up will make as much moolah as this one.

The OC Film Sting Final Verdict
Friday night fodder in extremis, but hardly anything cinematic or memorable. Rating: 5/10.

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