Friday 27 November 2009

Paranormal Activity

Paranormal Activity seems to have a lot going for it. Spielberg endorsed, creepy trailer, solid US Box Office. There’s one major problem though. Despite it having been advertised as a film that will have you sleeping with the lights on for weeks….it just isn’t scary enough. What we have here is a classic example of hype exceeding expectations. Director and screenwriter Oren Peli’s lengthy journey to get Paranormal Activity made and eventually released has been well documented elsewhere and all credit to him for getting his vision out there. The storyline concerns a couple who set up a camera in their bedroom to record the unusual and unexplained activities that have previously occurred in their house. Before long we’re being witness to the old haunted house staples of creaking steps, slamming doors and loud noises. This is all mildly effective, but really isn’t nothing new. Peli then makes the error of showing his hand too soon with some scenes that reveal far too much, when the idea of suggestion is all the more terrifying in films of this nature. This all leads up to an ending which is far too OTT when the focus should have remained on the earlier more efficient lower key scares. Overall, it seems to me this is a case of quality marketing over a less than quality film. However, I don’t want to be too harsh on a first time effort. If you’re a horror veteran than you’ll probably not even feel your pulse increase when watching this. If you’re of a more sensitive disposition though, there’s just enough here for you to grip the arm of the person next to you on a number of occasions.

The OC Film Sting Final Verdict
This is definitely a case of “print the legend”. However, there’s a few jumps to be had and kudos to Peli for getting his film into the mainstream. Rating: 5/10.

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